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Top 10 American War Movies That You HAVE To Watch If You Haven't Yet...

Do you like a good cry every once in a while? You're in the right place. These movies are emotionally confusing, and watching them always felt like putting my heart and my brain in a blender. Just ask any member of my family- I couldn't make it through many dramatic movies until I was about 16 years old because one of two things would happen. 1. I would go into severe depression for 24 hours or 2. I would whip out my helmet and go enlist. Haha. These are the types of movies to absolutely rip your heart out, but put a fire under your hiney and paint the side of your house a giant American Flag. Let me forewarn you- this list has absolutely nothing to do with Oscar nominees or Netflix rankings. So, if you want these rankings backed up with facts, you will not get that here.

Honorable Mention- 13 Hours Based on Mitchell Zuckoff's 2014 book 13 Hours & based off the true event, the film follows six members of Annex Security Team who fight to defend the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya after waves of terrorist attacks on September 11, 2012. I only gave this honorable mention because I have yet to see it. However, I have read the book. The book was slightly confusing if you're not knowledgeable on military terminology because it went into great detail about special teams and missions; However, it was extremely interesting to me because this particular event caused a nationwide uproar and a debate on what really happened, what should've happened, and if these men were abandoned by the American President and Secretary of State. Plus, John Krasinski from the office stars in this movie, and I'm excited to see him play a more manly and serious character!

10. Black Hawk Down

"160 elite U.S. soldiers drop into Somalia to capture two top lieutenants of a renegade warlord and find themselves in a desperate battle with a large force of heavily-armed Somalis." This is also based of a true raid that took place in 1993. The mission goes terribly wrong, and basically the men end up fighting for their lives. After doing some research, I learned that this movie was received very well by critics but strongly criticized by military officials. Nevertheless, this offers an intense plot and is a tear jerker.

9. Legends of the Fall

Calling this movie a war movie is a bit of a stretch, but this movie is so good! Set during World War I through the Prohibition Era, it is about 3 brothers and their father who settle in Montana to get away from the rising government. War, a love triangle, and the struggles of living off the land. Also, Brad Pitt.

8. Pearl Harbor

There are two classic responses to this movie. Either you absolutely LOVE this and obsessed over it for a couple of years, or you pretend you don't like it that much because "there is too much mushy stuff and not enough bombs and guns". For those who haven't seen it, it's a 3 hour long flick about the bombing at Pearl Harbor, obviously, but also captures a love story of a soldier and a nurse who fell in love before he was sent into battle. It's adorable, action packed, and overall a great movie!

7. Unbroken

This movie is sooooo underrated, and did not get near the attention from the media that it deserves. It is also not easy to watch. This is based on a true story and follows the life of a former US Olympian Athlete who fought in World War II and goes through a series of unspeakable life threatening trials. First, his bomber crashes and him and his comrades are left in the middle of the ocean on a raft, 47 days later he is the only one alive and finally thinks he's being rescued, only to be picked up by the enemy and taken to a Japanese POW camp. Being mocked for his athletic ability, his experience in the camp is more horrific than most. Don't worry, it has a happy ending.

6. Lone Survivor

Unfortunately, this movie holds true to its title. This movie follows four Navy Seals on their unsuccessful mission, "Operation Red Wings", to kill Taliban leader Ahmad Shah. Trekking down a steep mountain in dense forest country in Afghanistan, the men lose communication and face numerous obstacles, dying off until there is only one. They must also decide whether or not to kill a young Afghan shepherd who could rat them out. I won't tell you what happens in the movie, or how it ends, but I bet you can guess. This movie really brings light to what our soldiers can go through, how situations like this can never really be trained for, and makes you appreciate being able to sit in an office all day. I LOVE MARK WAHLBERG.

5. The Patriot

You can't really go wrong with Mel Gibson. Whether he's starring or directing, you know the movie is going to be amazing. This one is not for the weak of stomach. Here is a little tidbit from the movie, which is capturing a father pulled into the Revolutionary War when his family is threatened, and you can decide for yourself if The Patriot is for you... "He assembles all the townspeople, including Anne, into the church promising freedom in exchange for the whereabouts of the rebels. However, after the location is given the doors are barricaded, trapping the people as Tavington orders the church burned. After discovering the tragedy, Gabriel and several others race to attack Tavington's encampment. In the ensuing fight, Tavington mortally wounds Gabriel before fleeing. Benjamin arrives soon after, only to have another of his sons die in his arms." Yikes. I'm telling you- blood, blood, and more blood.

4. American Sniper

If you haven't seen American Sniper, go see it, now. This is based on a True Story of America's "deadliest sniper" who goes on 4 tours to Iraq and successfully takes out the enemy with a risky long distance shot. Developing a severe case of PTSD, war starts to take a serious toll on his family life.

3. Hacksaw Ridge

This movie just recently came out in 2016, and is one of the best movies I've ever seen. Very long story very short, this young man has a Seventh Day Adventist faith, and nearly kills his drunken abusive father when he was growing up. Because of that horrific experience, he vows to never touch a gun ever again. He enlists in the army after the Japanese attacks Pearl Harbor, and gets ridiculed, beat up, and almost thrown in jail for his beliefs (by his own men). When he finds away around the legal system because he wants to fight so bad, he ends up fighting at the Battle of Okinawa as a medic on the front line pulling injured men out of battle. If you google this battle or watch the movie, you see that these men were supposed to scale a giant cliff wall to fight on the top while being fired at from above. He is the first man to receive the Medal of Honor who didn't carry a weapon. (Also based on a true story). This man had some character. MUST WATCH!

2. Saving Private Ryan

To be 100% honest, I've never watched this fully through. But, it was the number #2 movie in the WORLD the year it came out, and was nominated for 11 Academy Awards. I just knew I would get in so much how water if it wasn't high on my list! Also, everyone and their dad tells me I need to see it ASAP, including my boyfriend. I hear it will make me cry though, so I'm avoiding it. I just know what will happen to Private Ryan :(.

1. We Were Soliders

Mel Gibson for the win!!! Wear waterproof mascara, ladies! In this heart wrenching piece of art, Mel Gibson is a Colonel in the Vietnam War, more specifically the Battle of La Drang. After a bad call by another general, soldiers are led into an ambush in the marshes of Vietnam where they are shocked and unprepared for the type of Guerrilla Warfare being executed. Trapped and outnumber by thousands, they are forced to call for backup. Friendly fire is a killer between teams. Meanwhile, back home, army wives and children are gathering together in mourning and support while awaiting bad news at their door steps. *Tear


Let me know your opinion on these movies, or if you think there is one that should be top 10 that I missed!

I just wanted to give a shout out and a big thank you to all of all Military men and women who have served or are currently serving. We appreciate what you do.

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