12 Current Artists to Listen to if You Hate "Today's Country" but Love Good Country Mu

I absolutely love Country Music, and it's been one of my favorite genres of music my entire life. Since I got my first Walkman, I remember carrying around a bulky CD case and switching on and off between George Straight, Chris Ledoux, and the Dixie Chicks, and I always felt so connected to that music! That was the 90's, when Country music meant something, and was inspired by legends like Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, and Waylon Jennings.
Now, I'm stuck in a rather unfortunate situation: today's "Country Music" SUCKS. I'm sad that people think of Florida Georgia Line and Luke Brian when they think of Country Music. It's not "country" and there is nothing country about it. The awful pop sound, the auto-tuned voices, or the stupid ideas they are trying to sell to listeners. I grew up where I consider it the "country"- which means 7 miles north of the nearest town of 500 people. You can't see your nearest neighbors, I graduated with 20 kids, and you are 60 miles from Walmart. We are country, but for some reason I don't remember sitting on the tailgate of the pickup in a sundress waiting for my knight in a shining John Deere tractor or a "jacked up Chevy" coming down the driveway, only to meet my Daddy sitting on the front porch with a shotgun. Does that happen to some people? Maybe.

Don't get me wrong. There are a couple catchy and original tunes that don't make me want to stab forks in my ears. Eric Church, for example, stands out from the rest, and for the most part avoids the awful Country Music stereotypes. I like to get down to Jon Pardi. And I've been to my fair share of country music concerts... (I went through a phase.) I don't hate it all. I'm sad to say, you have to switch over to the dark side (pop country music) to get on the radio now, because apparently that is what sells? One of my old favorites, Granger Smith, now sounds like a Sam Hunt wanna-be, and that saddens me.
Nevertheless, I realize I might be of a minority here. These famous country-pop icons sell out huge stadiums and are doing a heck of a lot better than I am. But honestly, call your music something else please?! Don Williams (RIP) is rolling over in his grave. And this is coming from someone who enjoys many, many genres of music. If you're like me, one of the small people, and you like the good stuff, take a look at this list of lesser known Country/Western/Folk/Bluegrass artists that deserve so MUCH MORE love and publicity than Cole Swindell and his altered track about having his "shades on top back, rolling with the music jacked." Maybe if we boycott Country radio, it'll become Country Music again!? Let's MCMGA! (Make Country Music Great Again!)

1. Corb Lund

If you haven't entered the world of Corb Lund, you are only hurting yourself. He is my favorite right now, and is in my headphones non-stop. I've seen him twice live now, and you can't help but dance to his cowboy music with a nice base beat. Wikipedia describes his music as Country, Bluegrass, Independent, Folk, and Western. He is a great storyteller.
Check out: Gettin' Down the Mountain
2. Turnpike Troubadours

Turnpike is my all-time favorite band. They are labeled as "Red Dirt", but they don't sound anything like any other Red Dirt band that I listen to. I love Red Dirt music, but they have more of a Folk/Bluegrass/Americana sound. Plus I love their look. The lead singer wore denim on denim before it was cool and I want to be just like him.
Check out: Every Girl
3. Randy Rogers Band

Randy Rogers Band was one of the first Red Dirt bands to get me into the genre. I like them more than a lot of the bands in this scene- they seem more humble on stage, their songs are more original, and they can write a mean love song. Plus the lead singer (Randy Rogers, obviously) always gives shout-out's to his wife and kids at his concerts. Cu---ute.
Check out: Buy Myself a Chance
4. Shane Smith and the Saints

I had heard these guys on Spotify & Pandora and etc. but didn't really get into them until I heard them live when they opened up for Turnpike Troubadours in Laramie- and I hate to say they this- but they put on a better live show! They showed up in coveralls and cut off flannel T-shirts and jorts. I guess that is cool when you can play the heck out of a fiddle. I condone it.
Check out: All I See is You
5. Stoney LaRue

"Stoney plays music that combines the rootsy, emotionally honest sound of country with the beer-drinking swagger of heartland rock and a dash of the moody undercurrents of the blues." Spotify could explain it better than me. Blues, country, and rock. And this guy can write one heck of a love song. I really loved him until I realized he got arrested for pushing his girlfriend down the stairs. Which I do not condone. I just wanted you all to know everything about these people so you could make an informed listening decision.
Check out: First One To Know
6. Cody Jinks

Similar to Chris Stapleton, Cody Jinks has a smooth and low voice that'll relax you and put you to sleep at night.
Check out: Hippies and Cowboys
7. Reckless Kelly

Another original Red Dirt band that deserves some recognition!
Check out: Nobody's Girl
8. Dierks Bently

"But but but Dierks Bentley is totally today's pop country! He sucks! Have you heard Drunk On a Plane!?" There are 2 Dierks Bentley's. One that sings songs that make Country radio so he can make a living, and one that sings AMAZING bluegrass jams that are 100% different than what you hear on the radio.
Check out: Up On the Ridge Album
To convince you, check out his song "Senor".
9. Blackberry Smoke

Not so much "Country" as they are a group of Southern Rock outlaws with amazing facial hair. Opening for George Jones, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Zach Brown Band, and ZZ Top, you can't put these guys in a box. Some songs vibe Country, some Southern Rock, and some Bluegrass. That's what makes them so great.
Check out: One Horse Town
10. Ned Ledoux

This is a no brainier. The Chris Ledoux doppelganger and son also sounds almost identical to his legendary father, and the word on the street is that he doesn't mind playing in his shadow. He often times plays tributes to Chris Ledoux singing his old songs, but also continues to come out with his own original cowboy songs. If someone can figure out a way for me to steal more of his music for free, please let me know.
Check out: Forever a Cowboy
11. Ian Tyson

The best singer and songwriter of all time. That's all there is to it. Don't argue.
Check out: Roll On Owyhee
12. Cody Johnson

I'm sorry you had to follow Ian Tyson. That's hard to do. I debated not putting CoJo on this list, only because I figured everyone in the world already knows how amazing he is and this wouldn't be new news. Cody Johnson is a classic cowboy singer and songwriter that can and will make you fall in love at his concerts even when you shouldn't. That's how powerful his lyrics are. Look past his "generic" name, (according to my sister), because his songs are not as boring as his name.
Check out: With You I Am
And to remind you why you shouldn't be supporting Today's Country... my favorite illustration.