15 Hairdo's You'll be Nervous to Try, but You'll Feel Like a Rockstar

Those of you that know me know that hair is in a bun or top knot 85% of the time. If I'm going to the gym, top knot. If I'm going to work, top knot. A wedding, a top knot! The second I get home from a long day, my hair is in a big messy blob on the top on my head. If is easy, efficient, and keeps the daggum hair off your face! In my opinion, they can look professional with the right makeup and outfit. I am now thinking I might write a whole separate post about how amazing a messy bun is. However, when I'm feeling a bit more motivated and have some time on my hands, I almost ALWAYS take to Pinterest and find a fun up-do that I've never done before. My favorite that lots of body and braids and look like something found at a Rock concert. They usually take two or three tries or a helping hand from a friend. With fun hair, you can dress up a simple and comfortable outfit and still feel good, and it gets you out of your comfort zone. My pet peeve is when somebody sees an outfit I have on or a hairdo that I got goin' on and they say, "I wish I could pull that off!" Well girl, you CAN! Just do it, NIKE. Here are some of my favorites that are basically impossible to achieve unless you are a professional.

1. Two french braids into a low messy bun. Hair spray your braids, then pull them out to give them some body!! Don't worry about loose strands falling out, the messy look is cute.

2. The Mohawk Braid. This is SO amazing and I wish my hair was long enough to do it. So, somebody else please do it and show me. I tried so hard to find a tutorial for you, but I can't find on! This is a creation from Jenny at Confessions of a Hairstylist. She has a ton of other great braid creations, check out her blog and Instagram.

3. Sporty, messy, and cute. I think I could handle this.

4. My attempt at half up Mohawk Braid. Tease your bangs and pin them up in the front. I paired this with some camo leggings and a lot of black 😈

5. Tease the top, and French braids up the sides. Don't forget to tease and hairspray the pony tail all over. Make it messy and give it some body.

6. You have to have a lot of hair and a lot of hairspray for this! I have tried this before, and I did not work at all because my hair is thin and my bangs continued to fall out the front and sides. I think if you can get it accomplished, it is awesome!

7. This is an edgy 'do that would be perfect for fall. Pair with a chunky sweater and skinny jeans. Keep your outfit classic and simple.

8. A braid into a low/side messy bun. Do a french braid, a dutch braid, a reverse french braid, or a fishtail. Switch it up! The side bun is a little light-hearted and more fun than a bun in the middle of your head. Featured.

9. This girls got a french braid Mohawk, and another braid down the side. She also has like 40 pounds of hair to make this work. You go, naked hiking lady.

10. I love that double french braids are back in for those over 6 years of age. If I didn't have a long bob, I would be doing this every single day because it is so cute, especially when pulled out to give it a messy look, and it is a good arm workout so I don't have to go to the gym.

11. Upside down braids with loose waves. This is pretty but still edgy! I made up the term "upside down braids", so don't quote me on that.
I am not motivated to wake up a bit earlier and try a little harder. I am going to try every one of these hair styles before the year is over, and I will document it, good or bad! That should be entertaining.