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Things Women Need to Understand About Men

Because sometimes we could all use a little help...

1. Men have waffle brains. And by this I mean they compartmentalize issues and things and situations and only focus on one at a time. They open up one compartment, and then they close it, and open another one. I'm also convinced they have an empty compartment they open when you are talking about girl stuff like hair, shoes, what color you should paint the wall, etc. With this being said, if they are hanging with the guys and watching football- and you're freaking because they're not talking to you- it's because they have their football compartment open. It doesn't mean they hate you.

2. They don't find it attractive when you try to make them jealous. For them, the less complications and the less drama, the better. If you are gloating about all the guys that like you and throwing that in their face, they will get annoyed by the drama and lose interest.

3. They don't get hints!! Or, they get the hint, but don't get why you're hinting at something rather than just SAYING WHAT YOU MEAN and MEANING WHAT YOU SAY. So stop hinting that you're upset by pouting or giving the silent treatment. Straight up tell them why you're upset or you will literally never get anywhere and they probably won't even know you're mad.

4. Take the compliment. Say "thank you", or give a compliment back. Don't self depreciate because you're uncomfortable, or go the other way and act cocky and awkward. Just appreciate what message they're trying to relay, take it to heart, and say hey, thanks.

5. They hate the question "what are you thinking about". The truth is, they were thinking about a weird hair they found growing on their shoulder earlier today and that would be weird to tell you. Now they are freaking out about what you think they should be thinking about.

6. Society has annoying (and untrue) stereotypes for men as well. That is the generation we live in with social media, and it's not just an issue for women.

7. It's not okay for women to physically assault men, either.

8. If a guy likes you a lot, he will make time for you. If he is giving you excuses like "I'm too busy with work, maybe in the future", or "I just want to focus on school right now", he's just not that into you.

9. If you ask for their opinion, they will tell you their opinion. If you don't want to know the real answer to "Do you think Shania Twain is hot?" then don't ask it.

10. There is a double standard. If you want to be treated like a princess, you better treat him just that good. There is nothing wrong with your BF spoiling you, being a sweetheart, or acting chivalrous, but mutual respect is crucial. You should both feel like the lucky one in the relationship.

And from the men themselves...

11. Not all men are just interested in a short term fling. "A good portion of men want a relationship, and enjoy the thought of having someone to care for and to protect. They need/want women in their lives to provide stability and keep them on track."

12. "Less talk, more happy".

13. "We are just as emotional, we just don't show it".

14. "We can't read your minds."

15. "Sometimes we just want guy time. It's not that you did or didn't do something, sometimes we need time with the guys or even alone time."

16. "We have working schedules and sometimes don't have much time to spend with you."

17. "There needs to be more understanding and patience when it comes to your feelings because we are typically one dimensional thinkers. If a woman explains something she feels, most guys don't register it immediately. Getting angry quick only frustrates both parties."

18. "We don't always say the right things, but we don't mean any harm."

19. "We don't care about constant work drama you have with people we don't even know."

20. "A man giving himself emotionally is a huge feat and should be recognized."

21. "We are idiots and probably not on the same page if you think we are."

22. "We don't understand social cues like women do. We need to be told what to do."

23. "Not all men are jerks*, we have good intentions 90% of the time."

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