Things Men Need to Understand About Women

1. Literally every single girl is insecure about something. Whether it's her feet, her stomach, her nose, her inability to do math, her voice, or the car she drives, we ALL have our insecurities. Most often these insecurities are stupid and irrational, but almost impossible to get rid of. So never make fun of a girls insecurities.
2. Women who compliment other women are confident, magical gems. Like mentioned above, we all have our insecurities, and there are enough negative thoughts and attitudes going around in girl world. If a girl is confident to compliment other girls on the reg, she is secure in herself and she means it!
3. Our brains don't work like yours. Women have spaghetti brains. Our minds are constantly going and our thoughts are overlapping. It's almost impossible to throw an issue to the back of our minds and save it for the next day. It will bother us until it's worked out.
4. The worst thing you can do when we are freaking out is telling us to "calm down".
5. We want to be invited to go with you to enjoy your hobbies. Even if it's not something we would normally do or something we haven't tried, we want to be invited and want you to teach us.
6. She doesn't want to always be the planned organized one. It's attractive when you pick a girl up for a date and have something fun planned. This will help you avoid this "what do you want to eat" convo.
7. IT'S the LITTLE THINGS. We love little love notes, tiny gifts, and you telling us that we look pretty today. We aren't asking you to move mountains!
8. We can eat just as much as you. Don't judge, and don't expect us to eat like a freaking bird on a date.
9. We WILL ask repetitive questions about your exes, because we want reassurance that we are a way better fit for you. Probably not a smart topic of conversation to enter into, and it goes back to the fact that we ALL have insecurities. Just tell us we are prettier and cooler and a better fit for you, and then be ready to answer that same exact question again in a week.
10. We love when you watch rom-com's with us. It's sweet when you let us pick what to watch and don't complain. (We won't tell your friends that you like the Bachelor more than us.)
11. Sometimes we need to vent, and you're our only friend at the moment. We generally aren't looking for a solution to our problem, but for some sympathy, and for you to (pretend) you're totally on our side. "Omg yes I hate her too!!"
12. Not all women think compliments are scary.
13. You can be a size 2 and have terrible cellulite and stretch marks and be a size 16 and not. What a random thought...I wanted to share because I was contemplating this the other night and wondered if guys knew.
14. We DO NOT like being ignored in a group setting. We like being shown off and we want you to be proud of us! We like when you act proud of us and hold our hand in public, around your friends and family. Personally, this will leave me fuming and I will leave the situation.
15. Unfortunately, what we say isn't always what we mean. As a general rule, as women get older and your relationship matures, you are both working on communication and this isn't such an issue. However, in some instances, when there is hot steam emerging from our ears, and our Spaghetti brains are so tangled and confused, all we can manage is a "I'm fine". We are not fine, but it is probably better off we don't say what we are thinking. It's frustrating, but girls want you go dig to the bottom of it.
16. You know in movies, when women take their hair out of a messy bun and do a magical hair flip, and their hair is perfectly straight and shiny after they let it down? Yeah that is not a thing. I will have a fro, a very large kinky ugly knotty fro. Stop telling me to "just take your hair down." LOL
17. We love confidence, but we hate arrogance. There is a huge difference. Sometimes we are blinded by arrogance, but we will always find it unattractive in the end.
And straight from the mouths of other women...
18. "We need food all the time to survive and not be crackly *witches." This couldn't be more true. The first thing you should try when a women is cranky is food.
19. "When we say 'it's fine' we are lying."
20. "We love to talk and be talked to."
21. "We have a crazy side and it's a mans fault when it comes out."
22. "Guy's need to understand that we don't know what we want. So, when you ask what we want for dinner, WE REALLY DON'T KNOW!"
23. "We are actually really easy to please. Trust, compliments, and food."
24. "We don't do our makeup to impress men, we do it to impress other girls."
25. "Just because we need a girls night doesn't mean we don't like hanging out with our men!"
26. "Women desired to be truly loved."
27. "Girls give everything for a man they like, and we often feel like guy's give 30% of themselves."