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30 Day Relationship Challenge- 30 Days of Loving and Appreciating One Another

If you are... married, dating, or have a special somebody, you just might want to challenge yourself to this fun relationship challenge!! If you're single, you might as well quit reading now and go get on! This doesn't have to be for struggling couples. Even for those who feel happy and like they are doing great- it is always a good idea to think of ways to be kind to one another, and have little daily reminders. Especially when you have been together for a while, you may start getting used to the nice things and start to take each other for granted every once in a while. So- do this little challenge- but don't tell them you're doing it. If you're anything like me, some of these are going to feel cheesy and uncomfortable. Honestly I felt really uncomfortable just writing this and thinking about doing some of these things! It is okay to be overly nice for no reason and to make a habit out of it- even if it does get you out of your comfort zone. Whose with me?!

Day 1- Ask what can I help you with today? (And then do it with out complaining)

Day 2- Ask his opinion on something.

Day 3- Pray for his day. (Make a habit out of this, and see the blessings)

Day 4- Don't use sarcasm with him today. (THIS IS HARD)

Day 5- Focus on patience. (ALSO HARD)

Day 6- Go the whole day without correcting him. (ALSO HARD, lol)

Day 7- Make or buy his favorite food.

Day 8- Don't ask him to do any chores or favors today.

Day 9- Do not interrupt him while he's talking.

Day 10- Send an appreciation text.

Day 11- Learn each others love languages. (And then start incorporating ways to love each other through them)

Day 12- Make a list of short and long term relationship goals.

Day 13- Turn off your cell phone (or just don't look at it) when he is in the room.

Day 14- Start a book or bible study together.

Day 15- Make him a lunch to take to work.

Day 16- Leave a nice note in an unexpected place.

Day 17- Tell him something he's good at.

Day 18- Watch his favorite movie/show with him, don't complain!

Day 19- Have coffee ready for him in the morning. (Or bring him a coffee to work)

Day 20- Give him a compliment on how they look.

Day 21- Ask how his day was, then actually listen.

Day 22- Tell him 2 specific things you like/love about him.

Day 23- Choose to let something go that happened in the past week/month.

Day 24- Call him just to say hi/see how his day is going.

Day 25- Cook together.

Day 26- Random hugs throughout the day!

Day 27- Let him win. Whether it's at a game, or an argument. It doesn't matter in the long run.

Day 28- Give him a massage... Without making him give you one back. :(

Day 29- Write him a letter he can open when he's having a bad day.

Day 30- Take HIM out to dinner.

Let me know if you're going to try it!

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